Well I think this is the best fight possibly I've ever seen very much for 2011. Both showed amazing heart and guts and proves that when u get 2 young hungry talented guys at the top of their game you get incomparable sports viewing. This type of boxing beats the pants off any other sport in the world. On a side note. I noticed Mayweather n fiddy at the fight ringside. 2 things crossed my mind.
1) Mayweather has been linked to fighting berto before potentially, and also ortiz is an agressive fast southpaw...the perfect tune up for you know who. So I reckon he was on a bit of a scouting mission last night.
2) On one of the knockdowns its clear to see mayweather watching thru the ropes (yes i was sad enough to replay the knockdown and watch mayweathers reaction)....well his reaction told a story. He didnt react. In my opinion this shows he wasnt at the fight to simply watch a boxing match, he was scouting his potential next fight out. If he had simply gone as a fan i'd have expected him to be jumping up and down like the rest of them. Mayweather was cool as ice and simply watched, completely still as if he was watching something else.
This could be nonsense, but it was his complete lack of emotion or anything that stuck out massively from the rest of the crowd jumping and cheering around him, he was 100% locked on watching something while every1 else cheered. I think this potentially could mean Mayweather is looking at a tune up fight with ortiz later this year followed by Pacquiao next year.
Remember, roger mayweather has gone on record saying his fighter might want a tune up fight or 2, ortiz is a very good match for a tune up fight for pacman, 147lb, southpaw, hard hitting, aggressive, fast....lets face it mayweather doesnt attend boxing events often, am i reading too much into this? or am i just putting the evidence together to predict floyd's next move?