Round 1: This fight is underway. Mayweather quickly comes in with a jab and then ducks down under Ortiz's punch. Mayweather lands a couple of body shots and shows off his trademark quick hands, and then Ortiz backs him off. Floyd lands a thudding right hand. Good right hand from Mayweather but then Ortiz lands to the body in the corner. Mayweather's quickness is already striking, and Ortiz needs to get in closer if he's going to hit him. Good first round goes to Mayweather, 10-9.
Round 2: Ortiz lands a left hand and backs Mayweather into the corner. Ortiz lands a good right hook, then goes to the body. Now Mayweather lands a good right hand and then Ortiz pushes him into the corner. Ortiz is looking good in this round. Mayweather hits Ortiz a couple times but Ortiz walks right into him and won't back down. Another good round, which I give to Ortiz, 10-9.
Round 3: Ortiz lands a couple of right jabs. Mayweather responds by using his left hand and landing it. Now it's Mayweather backing Ortiz up, and Ortiz doesn't look as comfortable when he's not coming forward. Mayweather lands a big right hand. Mayweather is landing much more effectively, with Ortiz starting to look frustrated. Ortiz lands a left cross late in the round but it was a good round overall for Mayweather, 10-9.
Round 4: Mayweather comes out with a huge combination in the first 30 seconds of the round. Big-time punches landing from Mayweather, and Ortiz is starting to look a little worse for wear. And now it's Ortiz battering Mayweather against the ropes. Mayweather is shaking his head as if he wasn't hurt, but Ortiz definitely landed a couple of hard punches. Ortiz swings hard with his right hand but comes up short. Now Ortiz goes after Floyd against the ropes and there's a clash of heads. The referee takes a point away from Ortiz for a head butt. And now down goes Ortiz! It's over! Floyd Mayweather knocks out Victor Ortiz. A controversial as well.